Talking ‘Bout A Revolution: Mná, Loachra Go Léir

There’s a saying in Ireland: Ní saoirse gan saoirse na mban. It means ‘there is no freedom without the freedom of women’. Unless you live under a rock, or you’ve been on your holliers in outer Mongolia (do they have good broadband? I’ve no idea), you’ll likely have been aware of the abortion referendum in Ireland. I myself wrote a brief piece about it recently.

Continue reading “Talking ‘Bout A Revolution: Mná, Loachra Go Léir”

Why I Vanished for a Bit, or The Tale of How Real Life Swallowed me Whole

Hello there! My utmost apologies for the radio silence. All will be explained (sort of) below. Today’s post is a *serious post*. I apologise in advance if that’s not up your street, but mental health sometimes requires me to put my ‘serious Sarah’ hat on. Regular progamming will resume shortly. Cheers in advance for hanging on with me! Continue reading “Why I Vanished for a Bit, or The Tale of How Real Life Swallowed me Whole”

All-Weather Poncho-Selling: A Uniquely Irish Experience

I’ve been a volunteer with the ISPCC for just over six and a half years. I work on the Childline online services for one shift per week, answering texts and live webchats from people under 18 on a variety of issues. I am hugely passionate about the work the ISPCC does and also help out with fundraising/advocacy where I can. This is a post about a particular piece of work I’ve been doing with them every summer for the past three years.

I’ve stood in the  scorching sun (yeah, in Ireland, would you believe!?). I’ve stood in the wind that promised rain but didn’t deliver and occasionally I’ve stood in actual rain over the past few summers. I’ll tell ya, we get less of a rainy summer than we think we do! Continue reading “All-Weather Poncho-Selling: A Uniquely Irish Experience”